Tuesday, 11 August 2015

2015/16 Time Data

Updated end of season

Minutes spent at each game state.

Team Name Minus 7 Minus 6 Minus 5 Minus 4 Minus 3 Minus 2 Minus 1 Tied Plus 1 Plus 2 Plus 3 Plus 4 Plus 5 Plus 6 Plus 7 Team Name Total Close Win Draw Lose Team Name Win Time p90 Draw Time p90 Loss Time p90
Arsenal 1 20 60 404 1677 733 361 162 2 Arsenal 3420 2814 1258 1677 485 Arsenal 33.1 44.1 12.8
Aston Villa 19 6 89 69 344 951 1700 194 48 Aston Villa 3420 2845 242 1700 1478 Aston Villa 6.4 44.7 38.9
Bournemouth 29 180 447 564 1436 589 160 15 Bournemouth 3420 2589 764 1436 1220 Bournemouth 20.1 37.8 32.1
Chelsea 15 151 558 1660 701 190 83 56 6 Chelsea 3420 2919 1036 1660 724 Chelsea 27.3 43.7 19.1
Palace 6 60 128 638 2139 378 28 43 Palace 3420 3155 449 2139 832 Palace 11.8 56.3 21.9
Everton 14 101 176 500 1779 413 245 147 45 Everton 3420 2692 850 1779 791 Everton 22.4 46.8 20.8
Leicester 8 94 287 1768 792 318 148 5 Leicester 3420 2847 1263 1768 389 Leicester 33.2 46.5 10.2
Liverpool 6 261 398 1803 538 274 99 16 6 19 Liverpool 3420 2739 952 1803 665 Liverpool 25.1 47.4 17.5
Man City 102 259 394 1585 482 253 262 55 28 Man City 3420 2461 1080 1585 755 Man City 28.4 41.7 19.9
Man United 85 90 298 1873 791 215 68 Man United 3420 2962 1074 1873 473 Man United 28.3 49.3 12.4
Newcastle 34 27 114 261 765 1644 448 97 21 9 Newcastle 3420 2857 575 1644 1201 Newcastle 15.1 43.3 31.6
Norwich 5 111 280 700 1838 323 118 45 Norwich 3420 2861 486 1838 1096 Norwich 12.8 48.4 28.8
Southampton 6 207 491 1579 704 326 106 1 Southampton 3420 2774 1137 1579 704 Southampton 29.9 41.6 18.5
Stoke 24 134 192 531 1640 606 289 4 Stoke 3420 2777 899 1640 881 Stoke 23.7 43.2 23.2
Sunderland 19 163 299 653 1819 322 105 40 Sunderland 3420 2794 467 1819 1134 Sunderland 12.3 47.9 29.8
Swansea 5 88 123 693 1732 625 136 18 Swansea 3420 3050 779 1732 909 Swansea 20.5 45.6 23.9
Tottenham 4 1 33 426 1812 584 382 139 39 Tottenham 3420 2822 1144 1812 464 Tottenham 30.1 47.7 12.2
Watford 1 68 207 638 1756 560 185 5 Watford 3420 2954 750 1756 914 Watford 19.7 46.2 24.1
West Brom 60 166 706 1863 564 44 17 West Brom 3420 3133 625 1863 932 West Brom 16.4 49.0 24.5
West Ham 4 54 237 561 1491 809 241 23 West Ham 3420 2861 1073 1491 856 West Ham 28.2 39.2 22.5
Lge Total 0.95 2 11.4 72.3 200.8 557.8 1729.7 557.8 200.8 72.3 11.4 2.0 1.0 0.0 LGE AVE 3420 2845.3 845.2 1729.7 845.2 LGE AVE 22.2 45.5 22.2

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